Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pineapple Tarts 2010!

Hrm, I might have forgotten to mention that my EXTREMELY sweet mom decided to help me make pineapple jam last week. I helped her a little with the shredding of the pineapples, and she did the cooking the whole week!

Thanks Mom! (ok, she doesn't use the computer, but that doesn't stop me from thanking her..)

So, I woke up bright and early this morning (7.10am) and started work.

First, I had to prepare the tart dough. That took me till about 8.15am. I did a slight modification of the recipe again this year. I mixed in self-raising flour. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but the raising agent apparently made it more light (according to cyn).

Then, I had to chill the dough for half hour, during which I just bummed around.

Up next, cutting of dough into tart shapes. That took me another 1 - 2 hours. I am so slow! All these for 75 pieces of dough.

Another new thing I did this year - I cut small pineapple shapes to top the tarts. I always feel that the tarts taste more complete with something on top. That's just me!

It's just so cute! Not what you'll normally get outside, but cute. Whatever works for me! Doesn't matter if I'm getting old and the word "cute" shouldn't be coming out of my mouth..

The pineapple jam was LOVELY... it wasn't too dry or too wet. It was still moist and yummy.
The tart base was crumbly but yet "holdable". So I think it's good. Given that it's made without butter, I think it's OK. The main-show is the pineapple jam anyway? :P

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